Tier 1 (Know Yourself)

9th/10th Grade Students

Tier 1 (Know Yourself)

Students will learn to lead themselves by understanding where their identity comes from. They will be able to make informed choices based on knowledge of who they are and what they value rather than on peer or society pressure.

“To know yourself is the beginning of wisdom.” – Socrates

Taking Flight Student DISC Assessment

Students identify their strengths, what qualities they bring with them everywhere they go, what motivates them to succeed in changing the world they live in currently, and how to serve the needs of others. They become familiar with their learning styles, thus helping them to become better students, better employees, and better leaders of themselves and others. Using ONet, students explore employment choices specially suited to their personality styles.

Core Value Assessment

If students don’t understand what makes up their core values, their identity remains a mystery. They can’t value themselves or others and are unable to lead, ultimately finding it’s easier to be led by the winds of change than make the effort to make a difference and become leaders themselves. When students can identify and see which core values are already motivating them, they make choices based on those values which makes them stronger, values-oriented leaders of the future.

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

In their reading assignments, students experience a world where even basic needs have not been met and they may already have to choose which needs are most important. They come to understand that unless basic needs are met first, other needs are unimportant, and learn how to overcome obstacles and meet basic needs in order to move toward greater goals for themselves and others.

Job Interest Surveys

Students will explore jobs that fit the person they are becoming – based on what they have learned from the DISC Assessment, Core Values Assessment, and Job Interest Surveys. They will learn how to seek those jobs that will full their own interests and needs, and in which they can be of most benefit to their communities and the world. They will learn how to plan their immediate future as will as for their future goals in order to achieve long range career goals.

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