Know Thyself Referral Program

Know Thyself Referral Program

Know Thyself for Middle and High School Students accepts students referred by school Administration, Counselors, or Probation Officers to remediate issues such as frequent disciplinary action, frequent tardy/truancy, and failing grades. Each 9-week program consists of a maximum of 10 students per cohort. Successful completion of this program qualifies the participant for our mentorship and community leadership programs.

Empowering Individual Development


Students will begin to understand the concept of cultural identity and identify the cultural issues that most affect their identity. They will understand how culture affects who they are and decisions they make.

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

Students will understand that until their basic needs are met other needs are not seen as important. They will identify basic needs that are not being met and will discover positive ways to meet those needs based on their personality style.

TAKING FLIGHT with DISC Personality Assessment

Students will understand their needs and what motivates them to be successful in changing their own world and serving others. They will become familiar with their leadership style as well as their learning styles to help them become better students, better employees, and better leaders.


Students who don’t understand where their identity comes from, or don’t value themselves are unable to lead themselves or others. They are ultimately led by the winds of change. When students are motivated by their core values, they make choices based on those values which ultimately helps them become stronger more values-oriented leaders of the future.


Students will learn how identity informs how they react to conflict. They will learn what triggers them, and how they trigger others. They will learn and practice new ways to deal with conflict based on their own and other’s identities.

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